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毕业设计 复杂型腔的凸模及流道加工方法的研究

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摘 要
数控技术的应用要求数控编程人员熟练掌握UG、Pro-E、Master CAM等软件,而本论文主要是运用CATIA软件进行数控加工,运用VERICUT软件进行机床仿真。目前,CATIA软件在CAD/CAE/CAM以及PDM 领域内的领导地位,已得到世界范围内的承认,并广泛应用于航空航天、汽车制造、造船、机械制造、电子/电器、消费品行业,它的集成解决方案覆盖所有的产品设计与制造领域,其特有的DMU电子样机模块功能及混合建模技术更是推动着企业竞争力和生产力的提高。VERICUT软件也广泛应用于航空航天、汽车、模具制造等行业,其最大特点是可仿真各种CNC系统,既能仿真刀位文件,又能仿真CAD/CAM后置处理的NC程序,其整个仿真过程包含程序验证、分析、机床仿真、优化和模型输出等。

Numerical?control?technology is the base on machining automation technology. And it is the core technology of Numerical?control machine, the level of its strategic position in relation to the level of the country's comprehensive national strength and reflect the housekeeper. Numerical control?technology is?the?core?technology of the advanced manufacturing technology and equipment, machinery?manufacturing competition, and?its?essence is?the?competition?of?numerical?control?technology. Numerical control technique has already become the central technique of the manufacture. Meanwhile, it is faced with revolutionary changes while the computer technique is developing swiftly and violently. Computer emulation and simulation technique is now the pre-requisite for practical processing. It reduces much of the workload and improves the work efficiency as well. The most important thing is the technique has already cut down the waste of the raw materials in the production procedure and even saved a lot of costs.
Numerical?control?technology requirements programmers to master UG, Pro-E, Master CAM software for application, and this paper is the use of CATIA software for CNC machining, using VERICUT software for machine simulation.At present, CATIA is now in the CAD / CAE / CAM and PDM in the field of leadership has been recognized worldwide, are widely used in the aerospace, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, machinery manufacturing, electrical / electronic consumer goods industry, its integrated solution the programs cover all product design and manufacturing, its unique DMU electronic prototype module function and hybrid modeling technology is to promote the competitiveness of enterprises and increased productivity.VERICUT is also widely used in aerospace, automotive, mold manufacturing and other industries, its most important feature is the simulation of
various CNC systems, both simulation cutter location file, but also the NC program simulation CAD/CAM post-processing, the entire simulation verification process includes procedures, analysis, machine simulation, optimization and model output.
Punch with the complex cavity and runner as a processing object in this paper, it related to the roughing, sweeping and pocketing in CATIA , and generate NC-code ultimately. Then simulation on the machine in VERICUT.
KEY WORDS: numerical?control?technology, CATIA, VERICUT, simulation

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的意义 1
1.2 论文的章节安排 2
第二章 CATIA软件及VERICUT软件介绍 3
2.1 CATIA软件介绍 3
2.1.1 CATIA软件简介 3
2.1.2 CATIA入口 3
2.1.3 CATIA V5功能模块简介 3
2.1.4 CATIA V5软件的特点 6
2.2 VERICUT软件介绍 6
2.2.1 VERICUT模块简介 6
2.2.2 VERICUT功能简介及应用 7
第三章 复杂型腔凸模的数控加工技术(CATIA) 8
3.1 引入零件及进入加工模块 9
3.2 创建零件毛坯 9
3.3 零件定义操作 10
3.4 进行零件加工 13
3.4.1 零件表面粗加工(Roughing) 13
3.4.2 零件扫描加工1(Sweeping) 18
3.4.3 零件腔槽加工1(Pocketing) 20
3.4.4 零件腔槽加工2(Pocketing) 22
3.4.5 零件等高线加工(ZLevel) 23
3.4.6 零件轮廓驱动加工(Contour-driven) 26
3.4.7 零件扫描加工2(Sweeping) 27
3.4.8 零件清根加工(Pencil) 28
3.4.9 零件面铣精加工(Facing) 29
3.5 输出NC代码 31
第四章 复杂型腔凸模的机床仿真加工(VERICUT) 33
4.1设置仿真环境 33
4.1.1创建一个三坐标轴机床 33
4.1.2定义毛坯 33
4.1.3设置机床坐标 34
4.1.4加载刀具库 34
4.1.5添加数控程序 35
4.2 运行仿真 36
4.3 分析视图 38
第五章 流道的数控加工技术(CATIA) 40
5.1 零件加工前的设定 40
5.2 进行零件加工 41
5.2.1 零件面铣加工(Facing) 41
5.2.2 零件粗加工(Roughing) 43
5.2.3 零件等高线加工(ZLevel) 44
5.2.4 零件腔槽加工(Pocketing) 45
5.2.5 零件扫描加工(Sweeping) 47
5.2.6 零件表面轮廓铣加工(Profile Contouring) 48
5.3 输出NC代码 50
第六章 流道的机床仿真加工(VERICUT) 52
6.1设置仿真环境 52
6.1.1创建一个三坐标轴机床 52
6.1.2定义毛坯 52
6.1.3设置机床坐标 53
6.1.4加载刀具库 53
6.1.5添加数控程序 54
6.2 运行仿真 54
第七章 总结与展望 57
7.1 论文总结 57
7.2后续展望 57
参考文献 59
致 谢 60
毕业设计小结 61


  • 毕业设计-复杂型腔的凸模及流道加工方法的研究
  • 吕彦盈毕业设计
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