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毕业设计 基于nRF2401无线传输模块的数据采集系统的设计

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  毕业设计 基于nRF2401无线传输模块的数据采集系统的设计,共47页,15214字。
   摘 要
   关键词:数据采集 无线传输 MC908GP32单片机 nRF2401 热敏电阻温度传感器
   In this thesis, the design ideas and realized methods of this data collection system based on nRF2401 are mainly researched. This system chooses PC as the monitor,a MC908GP32 of Freescale company as the sending machine,and another MC908GP32 as the receiving machine. Meanwhile this system selects nRF2401 as the wireless transmiting part, and the sensitive of electric resistance to temperature as the sensor. The idea wants to put the wireless and the sense technology together, and uses computer technology to realize temperature collection and wireless transmition.
   Firstly, the development of temperature sense and wireless chip is introduced. According to the requirement of the system method, the paper demonstrates the realization of the data collection system, the method of wireless transmition and the total construction of the system. Then it expatiates on the hardware electrocircuit structure of this system and the software of finishing designing all kinds of fucntions.
   The system is composed of three parts, they are the PC,the sending machine and the receiving machine.The sending machine collects temperature data ,and sends it by nRF2401. The receiving machine receives it by nRF2401,then sends it to PC by SCI. At last, PC finishes storing the data.Meanwhile system works stablely, and has a high reliability, so it can be used in various fields.
   Key words: Data collection, Wireless transmition, MC908GP32 microcomputer, nRF2401, the sensitive of electric resistance as the sensor
   目 录
   摘 要 I
   第一章 绪论 1
   1.1嵌入式系统概述 1
   1.2 开发背景知识 1
   1.2.1课题的研究目的和意义 1
   1.2.2简单的热敏电阻温度传感器的发展与现状 2
   1.2.3无线通信技术的发展与现状 3
   第二章 总体设计 5
   2.1设计要求 5
   2.2系统的基本构思 5
   2.2.1 设计方案的确定 5
   2.2.2 系统工作大致流程 6
   第三章 系统硬件电路的设计及测试 8
   3.1微控制器(MCU)的电路设计 8
   3.1.1 MC908GP32单片机的特性 8
   3.1.2 外部引脚与封装 8
   3.1.3 GP32最小系统设计电路 10
   3.2 热敏电阻温度传感器电路设计 11
   3.3 无线模块NRF2401部分电路的设计 12
   3.3.1 nRF2401简介 12
   3.4 LCD显示模块的电路设计 16
   3.4.1 HD44780的引脚 16
   3.4.2 HD44780的编程结构 16
   3.4.3. LCD与MCU的电路连接 16
   3.5 报警模块电路设计 17
   第四章 数据采集系统的软件设计 18
   4.1 发送端MCU程序设计部分 18
   4.1.1 AD转换数据采集部分程序设计 18
   4.1.2 nRF2401无线模块发射程序设计部分 20
   4.2 接收端MCU程序设计部分 22
   4.2.1 nRF2401无线模块接收部分程序设计 22
   4.2.2 LCD液晶显示部分的程序设计 24 HD44780的编程结构 24
   4.2.3 报警和开关程序设计部分 26
   4.3 PC方软件设计 26
   4.3.1 VB中MSComm控件的编程步骤 26
   4.3.2 Microsoft FlexGrid Control 6.0 控件的编程 27
   4.3.3 该软件的功能介绍 28
   第五章 系统测试 30
   5.1 测试的步骤 30
   5.2 测试得到的结果 30
   第六章 总结与展望 31
   6.1 总结 31
   6.2 展望 31
   参考文献 33
   致 谢 34
   附录Ⅰ NRF2401驱动源码 35
   附录Ⅱ LCD 驱动源码 41
   附录III SCI驱动源码 42


  • 毕业设计-基于nRF2401无线传输模块的数据采集系统的设计
  • doc毕业设计论文(基于nRF2401无线传输模块的数据采集系统的设计).doc  [2.96MB]

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